You Absolutely Need to Know These 3 Health Benefits of Cold Plunges

Although it's an ancient practice with roots spanning several cultures, cold water immersion has become a popular form of rehabilitative and meditative therapy in recent years. Cold immersion therapy includes ice baths, cold showers, and cold water plunges. Exposing the body to the extreme cold temperatures brings about reactions such as shallow breathing, body contractions, and an elevated heart rate. The idea is that by experiencing and overcoming these reactions we become better equipped and more capable of dealing with stress.  

Cold plunges, which involve submerging oneself in pools with water at around 50 degrees Fahrenheit, are also associated with a variety of physical health benefits. Below is a brief look at three of those benefits. 

Reduces Inflammation 

It shouldn't be a surprise that cold plunges can help reduce inflammation and, in turn, reduce symptoms of pain or muscle swelling. When you bruise a part of your body or experience muscle pain, doctors will recommend that you place an ice pack on the affected area for at least a few days to reduce swelling. A cold plunge, then, has a similar effect on the entire body.  

A study conducted by researchers in Hong Kong and published in the journal Medicine found that cold immersion following exercise could reduce muscle pain and inflammation for one day. This is because the cold water forces blood vessels to constrict which, in turn, results in less blood supply to impacted areas. Some of the world's best athletes, including Cristiano Ronaldo and Usain Bolt, are proponents of cold immersion therapy. 

Contributes to Weight Loss 

A study conducted by researchers at the National Institute of Health found that cold plunges also release the hormones FGF and Irisin. These hormones help burn fat tissues and can also help regulate metabolism. Cold plunges can also contribute to weight loss via the act of shivering, which generates body heat and burns calories. 

Improves Energy Levels 

Norepinephrine is another hormone released during cold plunges and other forms of cold immersion therapy. This hormone is responsible for regulating energy, attention, and focus. This means that exposing the body to cold water can help increase energy levels and improve focus.  

Cold water also stimulates the skin's nerve endings via a process known as cold thermogenesis. This process boosts overall energy levels by increasing the respiration rate, heart rate, and oxygen levels. Thus, a quick cold plunge can be an effective way to increase energy levels before a workout. 
